National HIV Testing Week – 6th February 2023

National HIV Testing Week is a campaign to promote regular testing, especially among the most-affected population groups in England. Regular testing helps to reduce the number of people living with undiagnosed HIV and those diagnosed late.

In 2021, there were an estimated 4,400 people unaware, that they are living with HIV. This is equivalent to 5% of all people estimated to be living with HIV in England (95,900). This figure has fallen from 2019 (5,600).

In Wirral, there have been 2 new HIV diagnoses in the past 12 months. 50% of these were detected in Primary Care. 50% of these were late HIV diagnoses.

Remember, the earlier HIV is detected, the earlier we can treat and the better the outcome for patients and the lower the risk of onward transmission.

For more information, please head to Sexual Health Wirral website.