Sexual Health Wirral

Sexual Health Wirral offer the below services for sexual health:

  • Telephone consultations for advice
  • Online booking for appointments
  • The National Chlamydia Screening Programme (NCSP) for 15-24 year olds living in Wirral
  • Free postal testing kits – chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhoea and HIV (16+ only)
  • Interpreters (to be booked in advance)
  • Specialist clinics for young people aged 19 and under, six days a week
  • Weekend and evening clinics
  • Psychosexual service (referral only)
  • Specialist doctor led clinics
  • Easy read materials (available upon request )
  • Emergency contraception and sexual health support from their partner pharmacies
  • Long acting reversible contraception (LARC) and sexual health support from their partner GP’s

For more information and to access their services, please go to their website: